Monday, June 10, 2013

My Son the Hero

There is something innately disheartening when someone you care about relocates, for better or for worse.  It is a feeling inside that is tough to explain – especially when the move is for happiness and greater experience in life. It is just hard to let go.  Much like a character in a book we grow accustomed to, we feel security in knowing that their actions, mannerisms, speech, and reflexes are something we can just count on.  Page by page, or day by day – it is always there.  Until, the time comes to move on.   I believe we ultimately take for granted that security we feel everyday.

My son, the youngest of my three kids, has just graduated from high school and has moved out to spend time with his Dad before his enlistment into the military.  Today, I was wrapping up his many soccer trophies, certificates, and medals and sitting in his room contemplating how my life has changed from having this 17-year-old kid in it.

As I wrapped each trophy, it brought back a flood of memories. Memories that will always be there.  My son is very much a charismatic character and one that has beat the odds many times. A hero – of course – but hey I am his mom.

He was born premature with a collapsed lung and dealt with severe asthma from the beginning of his life. We had heard that consistent exercise could be beneficial for kids like him. Thus, we put him in soccer at 5. Little did we know that we had created an exercising monster.

With every asthma attack, my son would get mad, and beg to be put back on the field. He did not like to have boundaries.  Year after year, his goals were to push himself farther and farther. Using soccer as his way to conquer a physical ailment.
He had set backs, but you would not know it. Just like Robin, he kept coming back and he was stronger, faster, and more stubborn than before.  Eventually earning an MVP during his High School soccer career.
Comic Box:The Rotating Roster of Robins

Even though my son has never shared the intense love of comics that I obsess over, but he is proud of me with each of my new endeavors.  He even gets excited when I tell him about new projects I am working on…I am so lucky.  We do however share the same tenancity to achieve a goal and for this I could not be any more proud.

Today, I feel like a part of my security blanket is skewed a little. We create strong kids so they can take off and be something in the world. However, we forget – in order to take off – they have to leave. I am proud to be a mom. I am proud to have a son who in all respects is the only true super hero I know. 

Now go conquer the world Jonathan!

Art by Robert Atkins

1 comment:

  1. Great post. Love how you put so much good content and feelings into such a small space. Many great things ahead for the both of you.
